Time Passes by So Quickly…

As my 49th birthday looms on the horizon next month, I find myself reflecting deeply on the journey so far.

It’s been a rollercoaster of discovery. Looking back at the turn of the millennium, I realize how much I’ve learned. The band was my everything, a crucial part of my identity, but I’ve come to understand that such heavy reliance wasn’t the healthiest in the long run.

Back in ’99, being in a band felt entirely different. The internet was just a baby, and social media was nowhere on the horizon. We only had the Web, no Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube – not even Napster or Myspace for sharing our music. Bands weren’t tied down by the need for constant online promotion. Today, however, crafting an engaging online presence is crucial, a challenging shift for someone from the old school like me. But, every day is a chance to learn and adapt.

One reflection that’s particularly resonated with me was seeing our album ‘Chaotic Beauty‘ described as ‘Progressive Death Metal’ – a rare but insightful categorisation. This acknowledgment of the complexity and depth of our work has significantly influenced my recent musical endeavors.

Now, I’m quietly working on something new, a project that’s been simmering since the start of this decade. It pays homage to familiar territories while venturing into new realms, blending the old with the new. This venture feels like coming full circle, marrying past lessons with future opportunities. 🌌

Life, I’ve realized, is about continuous learning and adaptation. From the seismic shifts of the early noughties to navigating today’s digital landscape, every step has been preparation for this moment. As I stand ready to embark on this new chapter, I’m filled with excitement and a touch of nerves for the adventures that lie ahead.

I’m finally ready for this next journey. Allons-y, then! And stay tuned for more details in the near future.

One thought on “Time Passes by So Quickly…

  1. I turned 49 a week ago and I too remember the time before www and all it’s service’s. Technology has came a long way since we were younger (49 is still young) and so has music. But the great ones still remains

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